1 November 2023 - 24 October 2024 Our Projects
We’re proud to announce that today the ultrasound scanner Logiq E10 s was delivered to the Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy Unit of the Rimini Infermi Hospital as part of a humanitarian and solidarity project in favor of the people of the province.
The ultimate generation ultrasound scanner, purchased for a total amount of 68.000 €, will be used to diagnose inflammatory bowel diseases early, monitor them over time with precision and avoid invasive endoscopic examinations, especially in fragile subjects.
This project was born thanks to the initiative organized by the Dr. Cortellini Fabio and Ramberti Samuele. A message concerning prevention in the healthcare sector, especially in the field of gastroenterology, will be launched trough the web and social channels.
Thanks to everyone who helped us achieve this objective.